Saturday, October 23, 2021

BlockChain - Kapil Sharma (Class 100/S2021)


Blockchain through the following attributes:

  • Distributed: The distributed ledger is shared and updated in real-time with every incoming transaction among the nodes connected to the Blockchain. No central server controlling the data.
  • Secure Transparent : There is no unauthorized access to Blockchain made possible through Permissions and Cryptography and every node know about all transactions. 
  • Consensus-based Algo: All relevant network participants must agree that a transaction is valid by use of consensus algorithms. (POW/POC)
  • Flexible: Smart Contracts which are executed based on certain conditions can be written into the platform. 

Blockchain Technology Benefits:

  • Time-saving: No central Authority verification needed for settlements making the process faster and cheaper. 
  • Cost-saving: Participants can share assets directly. 
  • Tighter security: No one can temper with Blockchain Data as it shared among millions of Participant. 

Monday, October 04, 2021

Successful tips for a happy life. - By Kapil Sharma

1. Identity new changes by doing new things & have practical experience with regular practice is a way of gaining new successful life habits.

2. Small habits make huge changes.  

3. 80/20 princlple really works. 80% output comes with 20% actions. 

4. Increment 1% daily, leads to 30% monthly change, a bag full new super successful habits in your life.

5. How we align our approach towards our tasks leads to to success or failure regarding it. 

6. Mind maps/dreams visions are important for successful life.