Thursday, June 07, 2018

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) > (Machine Learning) M.L > Deep Learning, Digital Platforms - By Kapil Sharma

New sectors rise from Artificial Intelligence (A.I) > Machine Learning (M.L) > Deep Learning, digital platforms:

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is the top most cover of machine understanding and computations.

It's like a Russian doll "babushka", or like human body. It interact with situations/ conditions and interactions as per the data-set the machine consume.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) Advantages:

  • Service Level Help Desk.
  • Customer Level Interactions.
  • Analysis and suggestions.
  • Predication based on data sets.
  • Military uses, like drone ;)
  • Cyber Security or Hacking.

The Machine Learning leads to understanding of data sets provided by the users.

A supervised data set and its learning than unsupervised data set for machine level compute outcome. Here a big data set refine the machine learning outcome.

Machine Learning Advantages:

More accurate health care results.
Stock Market Analysis.
Defense Strategies.
Financial Transactions

Now as per the "Deep Learning" platform prospective.

In deep learning the NLP (Natural Language Processing) designer/programmer, create routes/ algorithms, so that patterns and forms can be formed for compute purpose.

For e.g. Google AI may connect with YouTube huge data set, billions of videos, using python OpenCV framework, start recognizing objects in the video clips. So a big data set of forms/ objects created in the DB for understanding and recognizing the artifacts/ objects.

So, this data compute can tell/ update viewers the details of person, objects present in the video clip.

Deep Learning Advantages:

Pattern/ Object recognition.
Help in Autonomous Driving.
Law and order management.
Health care.

More A.I/M.L info. going to be added soon on LinkedIn:

PyTorch - Kapil Sharma

Image result for Pytorch

PyTorch Framework: 

PyTorch is a opensource deep learning framework.

GitHub Fork:

Pre-requiste for PyTorch Framework:
Anaconda Python IDE:

Conda command: conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
Or user can use pip based commands too. 

PyTorch can be install on Linux, Windows and Mac Platforms.

For Python Pip user, here is the PyTorch command: 
pip3 install torch torchvision

What is PyTorch package?

It’s a Python based scientific computing package targeted at two sets of audiences:

1. A replacement for NumPy to use the power of GPUs
2. A deep learning research platform that provides maximum flexibility and speed

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