Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Test Matric

A Metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, component or process possesses a given attribute. Software metrics are measures that are used to quantify the software, software development resources and software development process. A metric is defined to be the name of a mathematical function used to measure some attribute of a product or process. The actual numerical value produced by a metric is a measure. For example, cyclomatic complexity is a metric; when applied to program code, the number yielded by the formula is the cyclomatic complexity measure.

Two general classes of metrics include the following:

  • Management metrics , which assist in the management of the software development process.
  • Quality metrics , which are predictors or indicators of the product qualities.

Metrics related to software error detection ("Testing") in the broad sense, grouped into the following categories:

General metrics that may be captured and analysed throughout the product life cycle

Software Requirements metrics , which may give early warning of quality problems in requirements specifications

Software Design metrics , which may be used to assess the status of software designs;

Code metrics reveal properties of the program source code;

Test metrics can be used to control the testing process, to assess its effectiveness, and to set improvement targets;

Software Installation metrics, which are applicable during the installation process;

Software Operation and Maintenance metrics , including those used in providing software product support.

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